☆ To find out how VentureClad® can dramatically save you time on installations, reduce your fabrication and ongoing maintenance costs and prevent CUI…
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Industrial Solutions

VentureClad® Product and Installation Videos
In the first two videos you can watch an introduction to VentureClad® and view a picture gallery of VentureClad® projects. Detailed installation and fitting instruction videos are included to provide a comprehensive overview of this revolutionary and unique product. This section has been divided into three videos.
VentureClad® Presentations
In this section you can download and review two VentureClad® presentations, 'VentureClad Industrial Presentation' and 'VentureClad HVAC Presentation'.
Right 'click' on the link and save the PDF to your 'download' folder. If you 'click' on the link it will load the PDF into your browser - depending on the speed of your internet connection, this may take several minutes as the files are 23MB and 11MB respectively.